The prostitutes who have worked for the Shriners are set to go public on a world-wide TV and internet blast! Anyone who has been a paid drug dealer, prostitute, or producer of fun for thw Shriners, please come forward to enter the sweepstakes. The person with the most VALID, SHOCKNG, and ILLICIT story WILL WIN!
Certain restricitions apply. The deadline to enter is 12/31/2010
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
The Secret Revealed: Shriners are a Muslim Terrorist Cult that uses the Hospitals as a Front to Fund Terrorism
See! This website exposes Masons and Shriners as Luciferians and how Shriners swear on the Koran (Islamic Faith) and are disciples of Satan. Check out these videos on youtube that already claim what we have been saying!
Youtube videos:
Shriner admits he's Lucifer
What the Shriners Really Believe
Initiation Secrets of the Shriners
Youtube videos:
Shriner admits he's Lucifer
What the Shriners Really Believe
Initiation Secrets of the Shriners
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